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【论文集合】脉冲射频--在大多数情况下,脉冲EMF比非脉冲EMF具有更高的生物活性。 这很重要,因为所有无线通信设备都通过脉冲进行通信,并且“更智能”的设备,脉冲得也越多。因为脉冲传达了信息。 显而易见的是,如果这种EMF没有产生生物效应,你就无法研究这种脉冲作用。 有脉冲研究告诉我们有许多这样的EMF效应。

  1. Osipov YuA, 1965 [Labor hygiene and the effect of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on workers]. Leningrad Meditsina Publishing House, 220 pp.

  2. Pollack H, Healer J. 1967 Review of Information on Hazards to Personnel from High-Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation. Institute for Defense Analyses; Research and Engineering Support Division. IDA/HQ 67-6211, Series B, May 1967.

  3. Creighton MO, Larsen LE, Stewart-DeHaan PJ, Jacobi JH, Sanwal M, Baskerville JC, Bassen HE, Brown DO, Trevithick JR. 1987 In vitro studies of microwave-induced cataract. II. Comparison of damage observed for continuous wave and pulsed microwaves. Exp Eye Res 45:357-373.

  4. Grigor’ev IuG. 1996 [Role of modulation in biological effects of electromagnetic radiation]. Radiats Biol Radioecol 36:659-670.

  5. Belyaev I. 2005 Non-thermal biological effects of microwaves. Microwave Rev 11:13-29.

  6. Belyaev I. 2005 Non-thermal biological effects of microwaves: current knowledge, further
    perspective and urgent needs. Electromagn Biol Med 24(3):375-403.

  7. Markov MS. 2007 Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy: History, state of the art and future. The
    Environmentalist 27:465-475.

  8. Van Boxem K, Huntoon M, Van Zundert J, Patijn J, van Kleef M, Joosten EA. 2014 Pulsed
    radiofrequency: a review of the basic science as applied to the pathophysiology of radicular pain: a
    call for clinical translation. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2014 Mar-Apr;39(2):149-59.

  9. Belyaev, I. 2015. Biophysical mechanisms for nonthermal microwave effects. In:
    Electromagnetic Fields in Biology and Medicine, Marko S. Markov, ed, CRC Press, New York,
    pp 49-67.

  10. Pall, M. L. 2015 Scientific evidence contradicts findings and assumptions of Canadian Safety
    Panel 6: microwaves act through voltage-gated calcium channel activation to induce biological impacts at non-thermal levels, supporting a paradigm shift for microwave/lower frequency electromagnetic field action. Rev. Environ. Health 3, 99-116. doi: 10.1515/reveh-2015-0001.

  11. Panagopoulos DJ, Johansson O, Carlo GL. 2015 Real versus simulated mobile phone exposures in experimental studies. BioMed. Res. Int. 2015, article ID 607053, 8 pages. doi: 10.1155/2015/607053.

  12. Batista Napotnik T, Reberšek M, Vernier PT, Mali B, Miklavčič D. 2016 Effects of high voltage nanosecond electric pulses on eukaryotic cells (in vitro): A systematic review. Bioelectrochemistry. 2016 Aug;110:1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.bioelechem.2016.02.011.

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